Tuesday, March 16, 2010

thawing the ice

i can't believe that i haven't written since january! that is both sad and embarassing. lots of stuff has been happening, none of it very condusive to writing - but that is something i really need to work on, and not only because of this venue.

i've been working, got a day job in customer service for a medical device company but havent freelanced since then - so i guess it's technically just a job and not a "day" job.

also, i started dating someone who is pretty amazing. who knew that could happen?

anywho - remember how excited i got over passing the winter soltice back in december? well imagine the glory i feel basking in the glow of an extra hour of daylight each day. that's right. the days are almost as long as they should be and spring is in the air. ahhhh. yes, i've been waiting.

i pulled my bike out of the shed last weekend, freshened up the air in the tires and stretched my legs for a bit. lisa met me in ewing and we drove up to washington's crossing and took the canal path for a bit. it was the first decent day in a while but the trail was still muddy and we rode through some snow in parts, which was cool. made me feel all rugged n shit.

now that the days are officially longer and the weather is warming, i'm just itching to be on the bike more often and have to make time for that... which brings me to my next point - this week i'm planning on commuting to work via pedal power. i absolutely hate the car commute, and my job is only 9 miles via backroads from my gf's apartment in hamilton - so i'm all about it. i'm a little nervous about it, but i think it's going to be good and i'm really excited to give it a shot. the commute is much further from ewing - just over 15 miles. which is actually do-able, but the route needs to be tested and timed.. and then there's always the prospect of getting home at night - being tired in the dark is only half the concern.. crappy or distracted drivers are the other half..

oh - also, one month ago i was in new orleans for fat tuesday. first of all, let me tell you that though the trip itself was amazing(!), here is not the forum for such expression. rather, i'm writing a few words about how i have not yet written any words regarding this. i plan a post later this week about nola bike-luv in all it's various forms. i just wanted to let you know that i haven't forgotten.

ok. i'm going to wish you all a happy spring - we've made it through yet another winter and it's time to thaw out, warm up, and get friggin going.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that you are blogging again, babe! Keep it up I want to read more!!!! xoxo


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